Extracurricular activities fair - GDAŃSK

Extracurricular activities fair

from 22.06 to 22.06

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The end of the school year is coming soon, but it’s always a good time to develop your interests and passions! We invite you to the June Extracurricular Activities Fair in our Shopping Centre. On Saturday, June 22nd, facilities from the Tri-City and the surrounding area will present their offer. We invite you from 12:00 to 17:00. Free admission.

The program includes demonstration classes, programming workshops, mathematical games, martial arts show, mini language workshops, speech therapy consultations and advice, as well as lots of fun.

During the Saturday fair, the following will present their offer of activities for children:

  • GO4Robot – robotics for children
  • Akademia Coś Tam Wymyślę
  • Children’s speech therapist “rrr”
  • Fundacja Mam Marzenie
  • GYMbee – gymnastics for children
  • Champion Szkoła Sportów Marki

Gifts and passes for classes are waiting for fair participants.

We invite you to participate!

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