Family Valentine's creative workshops - GDAŃSK

Family Valentine’s creative workshops


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For Saturday, February 11th, we have planned unique creative workshops. Their participants will learn about Valentine’s Day customs from around the world and prepare gifts for people close to their hearts. Classes will run from 10.00 to 17.00. Free entrance.


Video zone will evoke many smiles and positive emotions among the participants. Each visitor, regardless of age, will be able to record a video with a song, poem or wishes for a loved one. Then, with the help of an animator, you will be able to assemble a film that will bring a lot of joy to your beloved.

In Germany, it is traditional to give roses or wooden ornaments engraved with a declaration of love on Valentine’s Day. During Valentine’s Day meetings, at a special stand equipped with engraving devices safe for children, it will be possible to place a Valentine’s Day dedication on wooden ornaments in the shape of hearts and animals.

In Wales, on St. On Valentine’s Day, special wooden spoons decorated with motifs of hearts, keys and small padlocks are given to the sympathy. During the workshops, small participants will be able to make similar ornaments from the materials available on site, which will express the words “You have the key to my heart”.

During the Valentine’s Day meeting, you will also be able to create decorative Valentine’s Day cards yourself, as well as learn how to make hearts and animals from balloons. Such a gift will also bring a smile to the face of a loved one.


We would like to remind you that during the campaign you can also collect prizes in our loyalty program “Akcja Bonus”. Especially for lovers, we have prepared gifts with romantic details in the shape of a heart.

We invite you to have fun together!

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