Thai ice cream for Children's Day - GDAŃSK

Thai ice cream for Children’s Day

from 01.06 to 01.06

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Celebrate Children’s Day with us! We invite you to an exceptionally tasty event! In the arcade of our Shopping Centre we will serve delicious and exceptionally creamy Thai ice cream for free! We are waiting in the passage of our Centre from 11.00 to 17.00.

Thai ice cream differs in appearance and method of preparation from traditional ice cream. the distinctive ice cream rolls are creamy and silky, yet light and refreshing.

Each guest will be able to get involved in creating their favourite flavour by choosing fruits, dried fruits and additives that will be added to the ice cream base. The choices will be banana, strawberries, mango, blueberry, coconut flakes, Oreo, peanut butter, Nutella. The ice cream made by the confectioner can then be decorated with one of 14 flavoured sprinkles. This is a great opportunity for children to create their favourite desserts or try new flavours!

We invite you to join us for carefree fun on Children’s Day!